Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,

Traffic problems on the Transpeninsular continue to be a major concern. The Mega circle in SJD is so large. The new mayor has placed police at that circle “acting as lights” to keep traffic moving for extended periods of time. Gringos feel it is helping and I appreciate their efforts.  The police are also upstream at the Wall Mart light keeping traffic flowing. It is not a one-area issue. They are connected for several miles through SJD. 

I often hear the Federal gov’t. will never make it public but why not help with a fair solution?  The government caused this problem because they knew developers building hundreds of homes and hotels were adding hundreds of rooms. Taxis and rental cars followed, and the traffic problems increased. Would Los Cabos residents be willing to pay a reasonable monthly fee to use the toll road instead of the TP?   

If toll roads were introduced, drivers would pay different reduced tolls depending on the distance driven. Every exit would have an AUTO PAY lane – like in the U.S. – zip right through without stopping. This already exists as the tour companies and businesses that use the toll road have stickers on their windshield. But more are needed. Hopefully, an auto pay lane might be available when they finish the additional booths currently under construction.  New drivers would need to purchase a ” pre-approved ” sticker that records instant payment like what the tour companies and taxis have. Photo license for offenders. 

Traffic lights may help but at present, I understand that traffic lights cannot be installed on federal roadways. Should this law be reviewed?

Another way to subsidize the local driver using the toll would be to charge the airline passengers a fee. I’ve heard they are doing this, but the money collected is allocated to other projects such as soccer fields. This is wonderful but by charging a few dollars more and directing the money to constructing these important exit lanes between the current TP and toll road, it would alleviate a great deal of traffic congestion. Would not some of the local landowners be willing to sell a 60 ft wide by 1-mile strip to make this happen?  You only need 2 exits for starters and we must start somewhere.

Comments from the Ed: 

One of the problems is that the entire TP and toll-free roads are federal jurisdiction and, while the state and city governments have asked for help, they are getting ignored.

The Los Cabos government has plans to construct short connecting roads from the current TP back to the toll road between Cabo and SJ, but they first must deal with private landowners and Ejido owners to use the roads. Read related articles in this edition. ,

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