Dog Lover, Dog Whisperer or Both?

A success story in Cabo


When a person has the joy of doing what they like it is already good, but when it is doing what you are passionate about then it becomes a success story, and Cabo has always been a place of opportunities to achieve it.

Daniel Piña is one of these people. He’s like a Friendly Giant, like Sulley from Monsters Inc. (who is a huge and intimidating monster with blue fur, large purple spots and horns) and when Daniel raises his voice that is deep and strong just a little it makes the room shake. But the reality is that what’s big about him is his heart that melts around dogs, and they know it. Many people call him the dog whisperer and yes, it makes sense because Caesar Millan is the one he learned everything from.

Since he was three years old, Daniel has loved dogs. In his house, the animals were only pets and were on the patios or on the roofs and they were almost never allowed into the house, at least not in the city where he lived. But Daniel spent hours and hours outside with his dog while devouring all the encyclopedias learning everything about dogs, breeds, behaviors, character, temperaments, etc. He practically memorized all this information. When he finished with the encyclopedias that were in his house (there was no Internet back then) he began to buy magazines that were published once a week. He bought them, read them repeatedly, and collected them. When he finished high school and it was time to choose a career, he obviously thought about veterinary medicine and approached a friend who had been a veterinarian to learn a little more before studying the career. But no, he didn’t like it. It wasn’t his thing. He assisted his friend in castration surgery, and it was too much for him. He literally fainted. I can’t stand seeing blood or suffering in animals. He said.

He finally enrolled in a Business Administration degree but never abandoned his passion. Then he discovered Cesar Millán’s TV program, and he couldn’t miss it for the world. Inside himself, he questioned the authenticity of the show like calming down a dog just by himself, with good energy, but one day he decided to give it a try. So, he put everything he watched in the program into practice, and it worked. From there he bought the entire collection of The Dog Whisperer videos and learned more every day. And every day he enjoyed it more.

His brothers were already working in Cabo at Time Share and he decided to do the same. He continued reading magazines and watching videos about dogs until one day he saw an advertisement for a 1-year course on dog grooming in Tepic and he was so enthusiastic that he traveled there to take the diploma. He loved it! Finally, he was in direct contact with those beings he loved so much. There he learned everything related to trade, how to use machines, scissors, haircut styles, etc. But that was just the technical part. He returned to Cabo and loved how the treatment of pets was so different here. Just what he loved. Many of the Americans were struck by the fact that Daniel immediately recognized all breeds and described them. Then he opened his first store. It was a small place but all the clients he had made by his knowing his vet friends recommended followed him faithfully. Due to different circumstances, he had to move locations a couple more times, but his clients followed him everywhere. Ten years later the pandemic arrived and like many others, he had to close. But his clients needed their dogs cared for, so he opted for home service. Which he tells us was quite an adventure. From trying to enter private gated communities, going through security, etc. Many times, his clients forgot to notify security and he had to wait a long time before being able to enter. Once in the houses he and his assistant had to find a place to put a working table and get to work with many restrictions. They couldn’t be near the pool because the dog’s hair would fly everywhere, they had to ask for a hose in the house they could use and many other details.

When the dogs behaved badly because they were with their owners nearby, they did just what they wanted. Sometimes dogs escaped and they had to look for them throughout the house. He managed to keep his business afloat, but it was no longer prospering financially. When the pandemic ended, he was finally able to continue. He opened a dog grooming place in Plaza Pioneros and his clientele grew and grew. The communication he has with dogs is incredible. The dogs adore him, he transmits the love, care and respect to which dogs respond so well. In addition, he knows by memory the names of practically all his clients (dogs, not people), even those who are no longer alive. He remembers the characteristics and special needs of each one. He remembers the special treatments for injuries they already have or things like that. He tells us, everything Cesar Millán says is true, caring for a dog means being in tune with him, with his state of mind, understanding him, transmitting peace and authority in a gentle but firm way. To date, Daniel has two stores, one in Plaza Pioneros and another on the second floor of Plaza Nova.

His employees who have been with him from the beginning are people that he has personally trained and who have learned to understand dogs and to feel them, just as Daniel does. The two beauty salons employ ten people (including Daniel), and they are always busy. 

Daniel also works closely with some animal aid and rescue associations and groups and when a dog is lost there is a good chance of finding it if you contact Daniel as he has thousands and thousands of followers on Facebook, Instagram etc…

Peludogs Cabo Pet Grooming

Pet Service

Your #1 dog grooming salon in #LosCabos

Plaza Novva, El Tezal Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur

Plaza Pioneros, Cabo

PeluDogs Professional Canine Aesthetics

15 years working with Responsibility, Knowledge and Passion in each of our services.

Available Appointments:

*Plaza Novva (behind Costco) 6242539716

*Pioneros Square (next to Cityclub) 6241368301

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