The Association of Sustainable Producers of Sierra La Giganta is giving away sugarberry and mesquite trees in an effort to reforest La Paz. These trees grow fast and provide plenty of shade, making them perfect for our sunny climate.
You can pick up your free trees at #218 Pino Payas Boulevard, at the corner of Villa Ballenas Street in the El Encanto barrio. The giveaway runs from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, so there's plenty of time to swing by.
Additionally, they’ll be holding a special giveaway event at the kiosk on the La Paz Malecon on Saturday, June 8, from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm. It's a great opportunity to get involved in greening our city and making it a more pleasant place to live.
For more information, check out their Facebook page at Sierra.LaGiganta. Don't miss out on this chance to add some beautiful, shade-giving trees to your home!