Lobster Nite Invades Cabo!


In late March of this year, a small group of hearty lobsters left the icy and familiar waters off Bar Harbor, Maine. Their quest? 

Reportedly, they’ve signed on to make the long, dangerous and potentially life-altering trek to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Their hope? 

Being deemed worthy to “actively” participate in Lobster Nite 45.  

According to renowned Lobster Whisperer, William A. “Dollar Bill” Kerrigan, these lobsters can proudly trace their family’s lineage and participation in the earliest of Lobster Nites almost half a century ago.

Presumably, this courageous lot is driven by the challenge to be part of the very first International Lobster Nite aptly dubbed “La Primera Noche de Langosta Internacional”.  Of course, these crafty crustaceans know all of the tales:  8,234 Bobs & Pegs consumed; “a beer in one hand, a cigarette in the other, I just can’t do anything more”; “give him the god-damned banana!!” …and on and on and on… And so, It Has Come to This: the luckiest of the bunch will get selected, stabbed in the heart, sliced open, stuffed and buttered… and ultimately savored by the finest lobster-munching folks waters have ever known.  And… they will love it!!!

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