And they spent mucho money, but who is counting?
Mexico received 45.04 million tourists in 2024, an increase of 7.4 percent over 2023, and they spent almost 30.25 million dollars, an increase of 5.9 percent, according to the INEGI (National Institute of Statistics and Geography).
Last December alone, the country received 4,789,432 tourists who spent 3,423.3 million dollars.
The number of tourists was 4.3 percent higher than the same month a year ago, and 4.2 million (46.9 percent) were excursionists, visitors who did not spend the night on their trip.
Of international tourist spending, 94.8 percent came from internal tourists and 5.2 percent from border tourists in December.
Last December, the average expenditure by international tourists was $1,031.24 per person; those who entered by air was 1,210.17 dollars per person and those who entered by land, was 322.53 dollars. For border tourists, it was $107.55.