Seals and sea lions are still wild animals
The seals and sea lions that live in Cabo San Lucas are like any other animal that lives in nature, unpredictable and very difficult to control. They are not and will not be domesticated.
Please don’t try to interact with them on the docks or near the boats, even is someone encourages you to do so.
Last Thursday, around 11:00 in the morning a boat captain was waxing his boat at the Cabo San Lucas marina when he was bitten by an adult sea lion. His injury was minor, so it was not necessary to request emergency help. He was helped by his colleagues who witnessed the incident.

“I was working on the waxing of the boat that I have been working on for about 10 years, when suddenly a sea lion jumped onto the dock and without further ado bit me on my right leg. It was around 11:30 in the morning on Thursday. It hurts down to the bone, and I have fangs marked on the skin where they caused bleeding, and the area of the wound was slightly numb.” Alfredo said.
He also asks the authorities to recommend tourism service providers, and to warn visitors not to feed the sea lions, because as they are used to being fed. Unfortunately and due to other times in the past, animals got used to have food from the tourists and some captains, until they just do not go out to look for it but instead get on the boats when they are sailing or jump onto the docks where they go in search of some rest and some leftovers of fish or bait
It is not the first time that an attack of this nature has occurred, other workers on boats anchored in some of the marinas of Cabo San Lucas, and sometimes tourists who get too close to the animals, have suffered attacks, therefore, the municipal tourism authorities, among others, have already made the recommendation not to get too close to the fauna, since by nature they are wild, although they generate trust.