VIDEO: Irresponsible Expats Disrupt Turtle Nesting Sites on Local Beaches

Citizens Report Careless Behavior

Two individuals were recently spotted recklessly driving their 4×4 vehicle along the protected beach in La Ribera, a known turtle nesting area. Despite clear markings intended to protect these sensitive zones, these individuals showed blatant disregard by driving over the nests.

Members of the civil association “Metiches por Naturaleza” (Nosy by Nature), who witnessed the incident, captured video evidence showing the destruction caused by the vehicle’s passage. The driver, upon realizing he was being filmed, responded defiantly, stating, “I’ve been doing this for the last 40 years. I don’t care about your beach,” in a disrespectful and mocking manner.

Gustavo Castro, director of Environmental Regulations, commented on the seriousness of the offense, noting that vehicles have been seized in the past for similar violations. “Just this weekend, the presence of two 4x4s on Playa 8 Cascadas was confirmed, and we are currently evaluating the penalties to be imposed,” he explained.

Authorities urge the public to report such illegal activities promptly to enable swift action and identification of damaged nests for transfer to incubation pens. The community is also reminded to familiarize themselves with the prohibited activities on beaches, which include driving vehicles, unleashed dog walking, and lighting bonfires.

To report violations to the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (PROFEPA) in Cabo San Lucas, call (612) 122-0787, extension 18105, or the PROFEPA hotline at 800 PROFEPA (7763372), or email de*******@pr*****.mx. For more information or to make a report, click here.

  1. Keep filming!! this bad behavior does not reflect the majority. Sad to see that some people forget they need to act like an adult.

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