Who Are You? Can You Prove It?

How many credentials might be necessary to prove that you are you?


In Mexico, you could use at least 3. One is the INE which basically is a photo-voting ID card.  It is an essential document that contains information about a person such as full name, address, etc. that is used during elections to vote. People cannot vote without it. It serves to make sure that every person votes only once.  It is also an official ID. If you are a Mexican citizen over 18 years old you must have it.  This card also includes the Unique Population Registry Code, better known by its acronym CURP in Spanish. This 18-character alphanumeric code algorithmically created from a person’s legal name and other personal information is unique and no one else in the country can have the same CURP, hence its importance.

Similar to a Social Security number in the U.S., it is required for many official procedures, including opening bank accounts, registering a car, paying taxes, and getting a driver’s license. It’s also required for some consular procedures such as a passport or voter’s ID. 

However, starting in 2025 a new updated version of this document will come into force. It will be the CURP Biometric, a new digitalized format that guarantees greater security and precision in the recognition of people.

This new procedure will include the capture of fingerprints, a picture of the person and the scanning of the iris, which guarantees a high level of security in the identification of citizens. This will apply to children, too.

But this is only the tip of the iceberg. In Mexico, there is more. 

So far, we have the INE and the CURP as ID, but you still need your driver’s license which can also be used as ID as well as the passport. 

Now, if it happens that you are an elder (60 + years old), then you also need to apply for your INAPAM (Acronym for National Institute for Elder People) which is basically a Discount Card for Senior Citizen Residents in Mexico. 

Lastly, if an elderly Mexican wants to get the benefit of government financial aid, then another ID is required. One is for women between 60 and 63, and another one is for both men and women 65 + that will contain the exact same information, and the same picture of you as all the others. It just has a different logo.

Any questions?

I have a friend that says, “No wonder my wallet is so bulky, and not with money!”

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