Can You Find Art in the Middle of Nowhere?

Of course! This is Baja!


The exploration of the East Cape in Los Cabos is a lovely excursion.  Whether you drive north on the coast from San Jose or travel south from Barriles through Cabo Pulmo, either path is quite a trek. It requires a full day invested in travel at a leisurely pace. Aside from the eateries or museum in Cabo Pulmo, a few lovely surprises await the adventurous. This is about one such jewel: Anne Welch’s art studio.

The coastline traveling north out of San Jose is breathtaking. The pristine beaches are often dotted with surfing meccas and watering holes. Between the towns of Vinorama and Cabo Pulmo lies a lovely little art studio. Look for the Arte sign hanging next to the road beckoning to the picturesque yellow gallery and Ann’s studio.

The building is worthy of the San Jose art walk as is the art waiting inside. Anne had always wanted to paint and finally, in 2008 she and her husband moved to East Cape. So began her artist’s journey. Stating that she was “an avid doodler from 3rd grade”, her parents sensed in her a passion for art. She told me she had “always wanted to do this” and in her travels to Europe as a tour director she cultivated a great admiration for Italian art and art in general.

Her subject matter is life around her home in the East Cape. Her art is varied and depicts the local Mexican scenery, and lifestyle, and is splashed with color. The gallery is filled with paintings and prints including candid portraits, beach waves, coastline, livestock, sunsets, and sunrises. I wondered about her inspirations.  “Simple”, she told me. “I love the simplicity of life here.” Her art depicts it well.

 “I love my life and this is what I am,” declares Anne as she depicts the day-to-day life in Los Cabos. Ann can be found in her studio most days from Monday through Friday after 10 a.m. and occasional weekends. However, since it is such a journey to the wilds of the East Cape, an email to Anne at or a message to Tananne Facebook page may be prudent. Unless of course you just happen to be on a lovely little East Cape journey for the adventure!

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