Fish Report

Cabo San Lucas

Overall Catch Success Rate: 90%

Billfish: 29%, Tuna: 55%, Dorado: 55%

The fishing forecast for Puerto Los Cabos in October 2023 looks very promising. The water temperature is still warm, with abundant baitfish attracting larger game fish to the area.

Tuna: Tuna fishing should be excellent in October, with anglers projected as having an opportunity to catch fish weighing over 100 pounds. The best time to fish for tuna is early mornings or later in the afternoons. Anglers can use a variety of bait, including strips of squid, live skipjack, and live bonito.

Dorado and Wahoo: Dorado and wahoo fishing can also be good in October. Anglers can target these fish by fast-trolling ballyhoo, Rapalas, and lures.

Bottom fishing: Bottom fishing is a good option for anglers targeting triggerfish, red snapper, amberjack, and dogtooth snapper.

Overall, the fishing forecast for Puerto Los Cabos in October 2023 is excellent. Anglers can expect to catch various species, including tuna, dorado, wahoo, triggerfish, red snapper, amberjack, and dogtooth snapper.

Here are some tips for fishing in Puerto Los Cabos in October:

Book your fishing charter in advance, especially if you are fishing during a tournament week.

Bring sunscreen, a long-sleeved shirt, a hat, and sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun. Be sure to use sunscreen on the tops of your feet if you are wearing sandals and, on your nose, hands, ears, and arms. Unless you are wearing a scarf, use sunscreen liberally on the back of your neck.

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

Be aware of the weather conditions and dress appropriately.

Follow the instructions of your fishing captain.

WEATHER and WATER CONDITIONS: Some choppy seas with some days of wind midweek from 5 to 15 knots. The weather improves by the weekend with calmer seas and sunny skies. Warm weather. 

WATER TEMP: 85 – 87 F

BEST LURES: Feathers, Cedar plugs, caballito bait, and ballyhoo.

BEST LOCATIONS: Los Arcos to Migrino for dorado and 30 to 40 miles South of Cabo.

Based on the catches of Pisces Sportfishing Fleet, by Rebecca Ehrenberg 

Puerto Los Cabos  

This week has been a good indicator of what October fishing should look like. The days continue to be humid, with high temperatures in the mid-90s. October mornings should start with a light and cool breeze. Beginning the first part of October, we have quite a full schedule until the end of November.

Recently, we have begun to see bigger tuna at the Gordo, an excellent indication for successful tournaments in October and November. Most of the fish caught were over 70 pounds, though we did weigh many fish in the 100-pound club, the biggest one weighing in at 142. These fish are a bit finicky this time of year. They seem to bite briefly, either early in the morning or later in the afternoon. Most of these fish are hitting on squid strips or slow-trolling live skipjack or bonito caught on the fishing grounds. An occasional 250 to 300-pound black marlin has recently been hooked while slow-trolling live bait, though nothing huge was reported.

According to the weather and bait conditions, we are confident that we will slowly start to see the famous “cows.” (The locals use the term cows for tuna over 200 pounds.) Many teams have begun scouting the marlin and tuna areas for the giant fish. We have the Bisbee’s tournaments later in October and the Cabo Tuna Jackpot the first week of November, which should be exciting if we continue to see similar conditions.

More dorado and wahoo have been caught this week compared to the last two weeks of September. You can target most of these by fast-trolling ballyhoo, Rapalas, and lures. As it has been extremely hot, some boats are trolling on their return to the Marina to alleviate heat exposure – plus, a great way to cover ground and find schools of dorado.

Off the bottom, there were more triggerfish than anything else, with an occasional red snapper or amberjack in the mix. We are also continuing to see a few dogtooth snappers at the Gordo…Good Fishing, Brian

East Cape

Lots of fun and great prizes were given out at the Tuna Shoot Out awards dinner at Hotel Palmas de Cortez last night – not to mention the winning Team of Connor, Jason, and Kevin while fishing on the “Margarita.” The Team took home First Place ($15,750) for their tuna, which weighed 78.5 pounds.

Second Place winners (and winners of the $300 and $500 jackpots) is Team La Malinche with their 57.5-pound tuna.

Third Place went to Team Lily with his 55.3-pound tuna.

Fourth Place and winner of the $1,000 and $2,000 jackpots was Team Mi Amante with their 49.5-pound tuna.

Congratulations to all the anglers! …Aníbal Miranda

La Paz

Summer just turned into fall!

We have a tuna season for once … of sorts – the most extended run of tuna that we’ve had in years! And everyone wants a shot at the tuna. EVERYONE! Until they get one. After one or two fish, it’s not unusual for some of our anglers to pull the plug and say, “No mas!!!”

For good reason.

When this all began, the tuna were legit 20 to 25-pound fish. They were not footballs but fun-sized tuna that fought hard but didn’t lay waste to the anglers. Fun fish!

There have been fewer fish lately, but they have gotten bigger. Some fish are easily 40 to 80 pounds, and some are even larger. These are the kind of fish that can hurt you. We’ve had some anglers on the fish for 1 to 3 hours. And then LOSE the fish. So you get a broken line AND a broken heart!

There seem to be fewer dorado, but that could also be because more folks are chasing the prickly pear. But there is gold around. The biggest issue could be that live bait has gotten a bit harder to find lately. Plus, the season is changing sooner than expected; waters are getting colder and northern winds are ramping up about a month earlier than usual. We’ll have to keep an eye on it and will keep you posted. We’ll know more as time goes on.

We’re finding some cool patches of green water, and the fish got sticky a few days (not to mention a big fat full moon, too!) It bears watching, for sure.

De todas formas…

There were some pleasant surprises this past season with more sailfish on the chew. They are much larger than I’ve seen in years. Primarily, in the past, our sails ran 70 to 100 pounds. Many are now well over 110 to 130 pounds. Mostly, we can release them all with a few exceptions, and in those cases, the anglers donate the meat.

Still, we also have some of the larger roosterfish popping up. Generally, we don’t have the big roosters this time of year, but some 30 to 50-pound fish keep showing up, often when the folks are trying to catch dorado.

And some pompano and Trevally have hit the decks as well. Typically, we get these in the spring. Maybe cooler waters are starting to show up? That’s my story. … Tailhunter, Jonathan Roldan.

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