Calendar of Performing Arts

Cultural activities and sites to see at home during COVID-19

Every Saturday. From 10 a.m. On Facebook. LeyendoT (Reading you). Cabo Reading Lounge on radio. A Reading space online at Radio Diferente. By the “Sala de Lectura Hermanita de Ysabela” Broadcasting on Saturdays on the Facebook page. Spanish. More info: 

Visit The Cabo San Lucas Natural History Museum. Through a 3D Virtual Tour, explore the Cabo San Lucas Natural History Museum. Visit and discover the Cabo San Lucas through the archeology area and another exhibition rooms where the remains of the skeleton of a Pericú woman, the ethnic groups on the Baja peninsula, its biodiversity and information about the migration of dolphins and whales as well as the preservation of the sea turtle. The astronomy, geology paleontology and the temporary exhibition room. Visit the site to see the Museum: 

Lots to See, Any time in any device. The Mexican Culture Secretary has prepared for you this space of digital culture and free access, where you will find tours of museums and archaeological sites, films, books, concerts, conferences, documentaries, plays, audios, applications and much more. A good opportunity to know more about the Mexican culture. Enjoy it! Spanish. Visit the site:

Latino Films Platform. Filminlatino. Enjoy this online transmission platform of the Mexican Institute of Cinematography (IMCINE), in which you will be able to appreciate 1,600 Latin American cinema titles, weekly premieres. An incredible catalog of children’s movies, in addition to complete international film festivals and a section of Mexican Cinema without Cost. All is in Spanish so you may practice and comeback speaking Spanish like a Mexie. Visit the site:

Every day at all hours. The Casa del Cine MX, with the aim of sharing and inviting reflection, during these complex days that many will spend at home, brings some Mexican and international films for free. It’s time to think, talk, reflect and act. That is why in collaboration and thanks to the support of Mantarraya Distribución, Viento del Norte Cine, Cacerola Films, Albricias Producción, Cineteca Nacional, Caguama Films, Chamaca Films, Menuma Narrativa a la Deriva, Gato and Mancha Audiovisual, they offer this list of films open to all audiences. Visit the site:

UNESCO World Library. The United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture have enabled public access to the World Library via the Internet. Visit the site:

All April, at all hours. The Berlin Philharmonic opens its Digital Concert Hall for free for a month. More info:

Throughout April. The Met Opera will offer free functions via streaming, on different days and hours.  More info:

Louvre 3D Tour. Don’t miss the virtual tour of the Louvre museum in Paris through its website:

The British Museum Virtual Tour. The British Museum in London offers virtual tours for free. More info:

Every day at all hours. Washington’s National Gallery of Art offers virtual tours of its facilities for free to the general public. More info:

Every day at all hours. The Paris’ Catacombs Virtual Reality Tour. The Catacombs of Paris are among the darkest and most chilling tourist attractions in the entire world. Created in the 18th century, taking advantage of the Parisian subsoil in the face of overcrowding in cemeteries, this place has been the inspiration for multiple horror stories and has had a great impact on the film industry. Due to their history and appearance, they were taken as the location of various horror films, including Catacombs (2007) and As Above, So Below (2014). The official website has published its tour in virtual reality. Users will be able to experience firsthand the exploration of this skeleton maze. Visit the site:

Every day. Monday to Sunday. 6:30 p.m. Cuentos para antes de dormir (Tales Before Bedtime)  It’s a  Reading space made for “Sala de lectura Hermanita de Ysabela.” Every day you will enjoy different readings and poems for children, which will help you create new stories at bedtime. Spanish. More info: 

Every day, any time.  Creating Cartoon Style Character. Introduction course. By Ed Vill (Designer and Illustrator) from DOMESTIKA. With this course you will be surprised of all the cartoons you can make with a minimum of tools and yes, you will also have fun as a child. If drawing is your thing and you want to learn a new style, this course is for you. Free. Spanish. More info:

Every day any time. The Mexican Culture Department has prepared this space of digital culture where you will find tours of museums and archaeological sites, films, books, concerts, conferences, documentaries, plays, audios, applications and much more. Spanish. Free access. Enjoy it! More info:

Every day any time.  Enjoy a virtual tour of the archaeological zone of Calakmul in the state of Campeche. Learn more about the history that hides throughout its architecture. More info:

Every day any time. Femsa Art Collection offers interviews with artists, whose work is part of its heritage. It was announced that the platform will be available to all audiences, with the participation of international Mexican artists such as Betsabeé Romero, Manuel Felguérez, Graciela Iturbide and Vicente Rojo, to name a few. More info:

Every day any time. Slava’s Snowshow online, the Russian clown show that has gone around the world in the last 25 years. This time you may enjoy the show from your home. This show is perfect for spending a family time and laughing out loud. Free. More info:

Every day any time. Clown Stories Juggling and Smiles Workshop. Free Circus. Learn more about the circus world from Edgar Armando Chávez Jorge and The Fantástica Urbe, Circus Company for Social Inclusion, made up of young people who experienced street situations. Spanish. More info: 

Every day any time. Wixarika Art Workshop with the Huichol craftsman Alvaro Ortiz. Learn how to use artistic and textile techniques with homemade elements that shows the worldview, narrations, poetry and songs of the Wixarika people. Spanish. More info: 

Every day any time. How to make a video at home Tutorial. By Cultura Comunitaria. In this DIY video, you will learn everything you need to direct and produce your own audiovisual content. With simple steps you can tell stories your way to share them in your community. Spanish. More info: 

April 28. Tuesday. From 4 p.m. Body Expression Class for Children. Presented by Life CCM. Tecnológico de Monterrey’s Student Leadership and Training offers this dance-theater class for children for free, where they will only need a pair of socks, a notebook and water to hydrate themselves. Spanish. More info: ,

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