This year, the city of Ciudad Insurgentes, previously known as La Toba, is taking a bold step into the international film scene by hosting its inaugural International Movie Festival of La Toba. This groundbreaking event will run from October 2 to 6, opening up a creative platform for independent and established filmmakers alike. Those interested in participating have until August 27 to submit their work and join the diverse cinematic community gathering in the city.
The organizers, passionate about promoting diverse cultural narratives, are eager to welcome participants from all around the world. They have provided two email addresses (, and a WhatsApp number (551-960-2904) for queries and submissions. Further information is available on the official websites and
While submissions are welcomed globally, please note that communication is primarily in Spanish. This festival is a chance to be part of a burgeoning international film community in Ciudad Insurgentes, as it makes its mark on the world stage.