There is still lots to do, but step by step
On January 25, a spokesman from the SICT (Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation) in Baja California Sur said that in 2025 more than 150 million pesos ($7.5 million US) will be invested in emergency patching and resurfacing programs. 12 brigades will be filling potholes in different sections during March. Likewise, in the most damaged sections, where the road can no longer withstand more patching, resurfacing will be done. The first of the contemplated sections is from km 123 to 137. The work consists of milling (removing the damaged surface)so a new thicker asphalt layer can be applied.
Well, the good news is that this is happening indeed.
Harry Kern, posted this on Talk Baja FB page:
“ASPHALT ANGELS: The ‘Hell Holes’ that have in recent times threatened to completely paralyze vehicular travel on the highways of Baja are gradually disappearing. We just arrived in San Felipe (March 15) after transiting up from El Triunfo. I am happy to report that most of the real ‘axle-breakers’ are plugged with cold mix asphalt now up to Loreto. From there on it is very rough in spots still. North of Guerrero Negro they are repaving sections as we speak, as shown here. Hopefully by next November it will be once again safe to take one eye off the road for a moment or two and take in some of the astounding countryside that is all throughout the Baja Peninsula.
This year it is with great relief that we, and our camper rig, did survive the return trip north! Now to cross The Border….”
Thank you for sharing, Harry and enjoy the ride!