The beloved Sunday tradition known as Ciclovia or Bikeway is celebrating its 14th anniversary this Sunday, despite facing opposition from some who aren’t keen on closing parts of the main drag in Cabo San Lucas to vehicle traffic from 7:00 to 11:00 am. Over the years, this family-friendly event has evolved into much more than just a bike ride. It now features activities like Zumba and Muay Thai lessons, Ping-Pong matches, and walking and running competitions, making it a vibrant community gathering.
Mario Meave, the event’s founder and coordinator, along with a dedicated team of volunteers, have worked tirelessly to make Ciclovia a success and a staple in our community. It’s a wonderful opportunity for residents and visitors alike to come together, enjoy some outdoor fun, and promote a healthy lifestyle.
Join us this Sunday as we celebrate this milestone and continue to embrace the spirit of Ciclovia!