We Know Whales Are Coming, But How Many?

Can They Be Counted? Absolutely!

Every year, these massive gentle giants migrate from the Arctic to the warm lagoons of Mexico, transforming places like Laguna San Ignacio, Bahía Magdalena, and Puerto Chale into hubs of tourism and conservation. Closer to Cabo, whale watching remains one of the most breathtaking natural spectacles our beloved destination has to offer.

Jorge Urbán, leader of the marine mammal research program at UABCS (Autonomous University of Baja California Sur), emphasizes that monitoring whales is essential to understanding their health and ensuring their preservation. Since 2006, the project has combined two key techniques: visual censuses and photo identification.

How Does It Work?

Visual censuses involve boats following predetermined routes at controlled speeds to avoid counting the same whale twice. Observers log each sighting, noting whale numbers, movements, and the presence of mothers with calves. Photo identification further aids this effort, as each whale is uniquely identifiable by its scars, color patterns, and markings, helping scientists track individual whales throughout the season.

Encouraging Trends

Recent data shows signs of recovery for gray whale populations after alarming declines from 2019-2022, when malnourishment and high calf mortality rates raised concerns. While the population isn’t fully back to peak levels, numbers are trending upward. In 2024, some counts exceeded 200 whales in a single day at Laguna San Ignacio, a significant improvement compared to critical years like 2020.

“We’re optimistic that the population will continue to recover,” said Urbán. “It’s not yet a normal season, but we’re getting closer to the numbers we saw six years ago.”

Whales and the Local Economy

Beyond ecological significance, whale watching is a vital economic driver for communities. In Puerto Chale, whale tourism generated over $1 million in 2023 alone, surpassing prior years thanks to improved tourist services, new lodging options, and better organization among service providers.

To ensure sustainable practices, NOM-131 guidelines regulate whale-watching activities, including speed limits, vessel numbers, and prohibiting physical contact with the whales. Additionally, 96 licensed service providers in Puerto Chale now offer safe, orderly experiences, supported by training in good practices, first aid, and customer service.

The future looks bright for these magnificent creatures and the communities that depend on them. Let’s hope the trend continues!

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