Los Cabos Pothole Repairs Continue

Los Cabos continues making advances in pothole rehabilitation with the “Bacheo Tras Fuga” program in which The Municipal Operating Agency has rehabilitated more than 1,300 potholes to improve road safety and our urban image.

  This effort focuses on repairing potholes that arise after repairing leaks or replacing sanitary pipes in various neighborhoods of the city.

The collaboration of citizens is crucial for the success of these actions, especially with regard to respecting precautionary signs in work areas, which helps prevent accidents and ensures the successful completion of this much needed street repair. 

  ”I once got a flat tire, driving too fast and hitting one of those potholes,” said Henry Michaels, a retired Los Angeles fireman. “I swear, there are more speed bumps in this town than anywhere else I have ever lived,” added Hugo Meza, an employee of the timeshare industry, who originally hails from San Antonio, Texas, but has resided in Tijuana, Rosarito and Guadalajara. ”And they are not even marked with a sign or even painted yellow to warns everyone to slow down. I know that’s a different issue than potholes, but it’s still about street safety.”

  And what often happens in Cabo is these very same streets will be dug up for repairs and then the mess will be left afterwards. Dirt and concrete blocks and pieces delay traffic as drivers need to slow down and work their way around the area. And of course, it’s the potholes on the transpeninsular highway that need the most repair attention because at the rate of speed automobiles are traveling, vehicle damage and safety are at the greatest risk. 

  To obtain more information about the work and services carried out by the Los Cabos Potable Water team, interested parties can visit the agency’s website or follow its social networks: aguapotabledeloscabos.gob.mx or the Agency’s social networks at Agua Potable Los Cabos on Facebook, where you can also file a report or complaint as Facebook has all messages in easy and trouble free translation mode. And on instragram under guapotabledeloscabos.

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