We may like the song, but it is time for the ‘long, strange trip it’s been’ for the last 21 months to end!!! And we are here to announce the return of the Holiday Art Show at Colina del Sol neighborhood in Los Barriles, presented by Asociación de Artes del Mar de Cortez (AdA), is almost here!
Held December 5, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., this event is in almost in its 15th year – yes, we lost track of how many times we have done it! It has been a long 21 months and we are so glad to be back to ‘kinda’ normal and hold events. This is a good one, being outdoors around the lovely clubhouse at Colina del Sol. Plenty of room for the vendors and guests, and plenty of fresh air and sunshine! The Holiday Art Show is just in time for your holiday shopping, and it has always been a great place for friends to meet up and visit, to shop, and then eat and relax with a cold one, while enjoying your friends that you have not seen through the summer months! We combine an art show, food from a few area restaurants, and a beer garden (a fundraiser for AdA), so drink up! We use this opportunity to present one of our great raffle baskets that have hundreds of dollars’ worth of certificates and goods you need to have! All funds from the raffle and silent auction will go directly to purchase school and art supplies for 19 East Cape area schools. The tickets are only $100 peso each, and with our baskets worth so much, it’s a great bargain. It is a great cause and worth everyone’s support!
Now, here is the disclaimer. As we are still in the COVID world, so please check the website for any changes the Government may mandate. All signs are a go, but be prepared with your mask handy. Our website is
Asociación de Artes, founded in 1993, is the oldest non-profit organization in the East Cape. Originally formed to supply art supplies for the area schools, AdA has branched out to provide basic school supplies, Spanish language library books, supporting Easter Sports and Summer School in Los Barriles, Crescent Moon art project and music programs. We have gone beyond just school supplies to doing what we can to make the educational experience the best it can be for the students of the East Cape. This has included AC units, ceiling fans, new classrooms, school maintenance repairs, and whatever is needed to improve the experience. During the Covid closure, we bought printers and printed the home-schooling assignments for students, because not every home has a printer in it, and that was the best way we could help. Over the years, we have discovered that for good learning, you need more than just paper, crayons, and pencils. You need imagination to help deliver a great educational experience!
The 2021-22 season is going to be busy for Asociación de Artes. After the Holiday Art Show at Colina del Sol, we have our Artist Studio Tour of Los Barriles on February 9 and close our season with the 29 (almost) Annual Festival de Artes at Palmas de Cortez in Los Barriles on March 20. We will have two years’ worth of fun to pack into this year’s festival, so it will be a big one!! Each of the events is done with the sole purpose of raising funds to carry out our mission. We go to all the work so that we can make the school experience for the kids of the East Cape better. And in that process, if we can provide outlets for the local artists to sell their one of the kind pieces, that is great!
Asociación de Artes is one of the many organizations that rely on volunteering and financial support through our raffles and silent auctions. The Baja would not be the same without the different organizations that are here to assist with the needs of the local citizens. With the AdA, we are lending our support to see that the students of the East Cape have the best possible educational experience they can have. Education is the key to a successful life, and we are trying to do our part. We invite you to join us by volunteering and or supporting our efforts by attending our events. You can find complete information on the events and volunteer on our website at