Why Are Flour Tortilla Tacos Called Burritos?


In those years, when Paso del Norte was growing into what is now Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, people came from all over to work on the city’s large construction sites. 

There lived in the mountains a man named Don Juan Méndez, who began selling delicious flour tacos with eggs, beans, and shredded beef (rabbit meat). It became so popular that his entire family began working on preparing many flour tacos and he had to bring his donkey to carry the baskets. The donkey and her offspring carried two baskets each. 

Don Juan would come to sell his food, and people would shout: “The donkey man has arrived!”, referring to the fact that donkeys were his means of transportation to get to his destination with the food. “The donkeys have arrived!”, the people shouted. 

That’s how the name of those flour tacos that we all know as burritos was born. Interesting story, right!?

Note from the editor: Donkeys are called Burritos in Spanish, Bunky.

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