More Money for Our Youth


Los Cabos Children’s Foundation (LCCF) is a non-profit organization that focuses on improving the quality of life of children in Baja California Sur by promoting, strengthening, and advancing programs that focus on health, providing medical assistance and care for our youth.

Due to the tight adherence to their transparency principles, strong accountability, and great support from the community, LCCF has received more resources year over year, being able to increase its investment budget by more than 50% for the next period.

Since 2017, this non-profit organization has had an annual call where it defines the amount of money that goes into each of its health and well-being programs. 

During the past period ending in June of this year (July 2022 – June 2023), LCCF emphasized it supported 29 programs with the investment of $23 million pesos (US$1.34 million). A total of 55% went to medical programs, including medical assistance programs pertaining to the Baja California Sur state government, while 36% of the money was directed to programs co-invested with other non-profit organizations. The remaining 9% was used in the operation of the institution and also within programs managed by LCCF. 

All of this translated into 11,036 children and teenagers being benefited by addressing the most pressing current issues such as child health, cancer, critical health, congenital diseases, disabilities, general health, prevention and mental health.

During the annual call for the next period (July 2023 – June 2024), the Board of Directors determined to benefit 33 programs — 18 operating from Los Cabos and 15 from the city of La Paz. The investment for this next period has increased by more than 50% up to $36.5 million pesos (US$2.15 million). It is estimated that 35% of these youngsters will be in Los Cabos, 41% in La Paz, 8% in Comondú, 9% in Loreto and 7% in Mulegé.

Since its establishment in 2002, this organization has been committed to developing the well-being of children in the community in vulnerable financial conditions. In these 21 years, LCCF has invested around $16.4 million dollars, working closely with more than 80 organizations benefiting over 74,000 children and adolescents in total!

If you wish to know more about this noble cause, please visit or follow LCCF on social media as “loscaboschildren” on Instagram and “Los Cabos Children’s Foundation” on Facebook and help them create a brighter future for the community. The most beautiful thing in the world is a child’s smile. The next best thing? Knowing that you are the reason behind it.

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