New Things to Do in the East Cape


Out in the deep East Cape this time of the year, the snowbirds travel north and it gets very still and quiet. No more parties, birthday dinners, celebrations, wiener roasts, and cocktail parties. Time for a big exhale and a big reset for whoever is left in the heat. At first, it is just restive and enjoyable. Then the loneliness sets in. Missing is the comradery and all the fun things to do. After all, we are all quite the “herd” animals. But not to despair. There is a project very near completion which will come to the rescue. It’s the addition to the Castillo de Arena Pickleball Court and Bocce Ball complex — a fabulous Pottery Studio and Art Center.  

The vision was conceptualized by Paul Clark, developer and realtor of East Cape Homes and Castillo de Arena. The complex is approximately 6 miles (10 km) north of Vinorama and approximately 8 miles (13 km) south of Cabo Pulmo on the Coast Road. The studio will have three pottery wheels and access to a kiln. The plan is for mentoring in pot “throwing” and a scheduled day or days for meeting and creating for anyone interested. Clay will be available for core charge as will be the pottery wheels and various glazes and dyes. There are some really talented potters on hand with a lot of expertise to share. Rob Breakfield has thrown pots for many years and is incredibly talented as is Joyce Malcom and Paul Clark himself. Rob has donated to the project as well.

One of the other local artisans from Castillo, Bayard Murphy, has also generously donated some tools and products. He is incredibly talented at unique spun and filigreed glass jewelry and bowls. Because of the size of the pottery studio and the sheltered area, one can envision a variety of possible art projects and gatherings throughout the summer. Currently, the studio is scheduled for use as of May of 2023.

The Pickleball and Bocce Ball courts have been consistently in use throughout the winter. Pickleball is scheduled on Monday and Thursday mornings at about 7:30ish and on Saturday at 3:30 p.m. and is open to all. The equipment and chairs under the breezy awnings remain open with functioning restroom facilities. Come on out and test your hand at Pickleball or Bocce Ball and just enjoy the fun! The sea is visible from the courts and there is always a lively bantering from under the awnings in the spectator section.  

So, if you are one of the East Capers left behind for the spring and summer, take advantage of all the wonderful amenities at Castillo de Arena. The scheduling is often posted on the whiteboard behind the seating area. For more information on the studio and complex contact 
**@ea***********.com. Most of us who live here in the community have been so blessed to have such a spectacular meeting and gaming place thanks to Paul Clark. Hopefully, you can join in the fun!

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