According to ENSU (National Urban Public Security Survey) of the INEGI (National Institute of Statistics and Geography), in the last quarter of 2024,Los Cabos reached sixth place nationally as the most secure tourist destination. These results were announced on January 23 and reflect a constant effort between the different levels of government to guarantee the safety of the population.
This advance is the result of close coordination between institutions such as the Navy, SEDENA (Secretary of National Defense), National Guard, State Police, Deputy Attorney General’s Office and the Municipal Police and Traffic Ministries.

There are still areas to address, such as family and gender violence. In that sense, there will be the continuity of special operations in nightclubs and shopping areas to protect minors in vulnerable situations.
Municipal authorities affirm that the objective is not only to remove minors from the streets, but to prevent these situations from occurring. The clear message: there is authority, and the laws will be enforced, always with respect for human rights.
On the other hand, faced with the announcement of possible mass deportations from the United States, monitoring mechanisms have been activated at airports and other key points to analyze whether this situation will impact the municipality. Although historically there has not been a significant increase in these circumstances, the alert remains to guarantee an adequate response.