Red Deer Reunion at the Right Spot!

It’s not every day you find a piece of your hometown in the most unexpected places. Clark Wright, one of the managing partners of the Gringo Gazette, certainly didn’t expect to bump into fellow Red Deer, Alberta natives while out and about. But the world is small, and the connections are endless, especially in the lively locales frequented by the expat community.

Meet Bruce Thiesen and Don Grant, two adventurous souls from Red Deer who’ve found their way to the sunnier, saltier airs far from the Canadian chill. The trio unexpectedly crossed paths in a bustling spot, proving that no matter where you roam, there’s a chance you might run into a familiar face—or two!

Bruce and Don, sporting smiles as bright as the Baja sun, shared laughs and stories from back home over cold beers and the strums of a nearby guitar. It was a mini Red Deer reunion, complete with nostalgia and updates on the latest back north.

For Bruce and Don, their journey from Red Deer to here is filled with tales of adventure and the occasional misadventure. But one thing’s for sure, they’re making the most out of their sunny days in style.

Who says you can’t find a piece of home thousands of miles away? In Baja, it seems all roads can lead to a friendly ‘eh’ from a fellow Canadian. Here’s to unexpected reunions and the small world we live in!

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