“Grof,” a beloved Belgian Malinois dog, who was part of the Baja California Sur state’s security forces, tragically escaped from his headquarters two days ago. As soon as his absence was noticed, an alert was issued, and several police officers were immediately dispatched to search for him.
Sadly, Grof was found lifeless in a ditch near his headquarters. It is believed that he was struck by a vehicle during his escape. His death has left many saddened, as Grof played a crucial role in the force. He was highly trained in human search missions and drug detection, with much of his work focused at the Pichilingue port station.
Grof’s contributions to the security team were invaluable, and he was a trusted partner to his handlers. His loss is being felt deeply within the force, as well as by the community.
Rest in peace, Grof—you’ll be missed.