Local Cops Trained by the FBI in Reno, NV

A group of investigative cops from our state recently packed their bags and headed to Reno, Nevada, for some top-notch training in cutting-edge crime scene techniques. They weren’t just there for the casinos! The training covered a range of advanced skills, including 3D imaging of crime scenes, crime scene photography, ultraviolet digital imaging, and the comparison of shoe prints using alternate light sources.

These skills are all part of the latest forensic tools that help investigators piece together the puzzle of what happened at a crime scene. The trainers were experts from the International Identification Association, which is the oldest and largest forensic association in the world. So, our cops were definitely in good hands, learning from the best of the best.

With these new skills in their toolkit, our investigative team is better equipped than ever to solve crimes back home. Big thanks to the trainers and to those who made this trip possible. ¡Gracias!

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