Get ready to cast your lines and reel in the excitement at the upcoming Fishing Tournament in Loreto, marking the grand finale of the “Fishing in the Five 2022-2023” series. Taking place in the enchanting magic town of Loreto, just north of La Paz, this highly anticipated event is set to ignite the competitive spirit among over 100 teams on Sunday, June 25.
Anglers from far and wide will gather to compete for the prestigious title and a chance to win a share of the impressive cash prizes, totaling approximately 60 grand, up for grabs for the largest Dorado (Mahi-Mahi) catches. The thrill of the hunt combined with the allure of the pristine Loreto waters promises an unforgettable experience for participants and spectators alike.
With an affordable entry fee of 6,000 per team (around $350 USD), anglers of all levels can join in the competition and showcase their fishing prowess. For more information and to secure your spot in the tournament, reach out to or call +52 (612) 123-3807.
Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this exhilarating fishing extravaganza in Loreto, where camaraderie, skill, and the thrill of the catch converge in a thrilling showcase of sport and passion. Cast your line and get ready to create unforgettable memories against the backdrop of Loreto’s pristine coastal beauty.