In a recent article by R. Lee Schultz, about Mexico’s president Fast Track to Nationalizing Vehicles, the writer stated that ‘You (meaning foreigners in Mexico) can now, at least temporarily, quickly and inexpensively “legally” import or “nationalize” vehicles into Mexico without having to meet the massive volume of the complicated and expensive requirements of the “normal” process.” Through a deeper research and investigation, yes, the law states that local residents can nationalize foreign vehicles under some conditions. What the law doesn’t say is that this program is ONLY to benefit those low-income Mexicans that brought a vehicle down from the U.S., where they could buy them cheaper than its equivalents in Mexico. Plus, once a vehicle becomes Mexican, it will be for eternity and the U.S. insurance policy is not valid anymore. So, Gringos DON’T apply. South Dakota plates are still safe and legal.
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