Constant Treatment Plant Overflows Affect Everyone

You’ve probably noticed the not-so-pleasant situation next to the bridge to La Playita – yep, that sewage treatment plant that just can’t seem to keep its contents to itself. It’s been a longstanding issue that’s become part of the local scenery, but definitely not in a good way. This plant, overwhelmed by the ever-increasing load, is under the watch of a Fonatur subsidiary. Fonatur, for those new to the name, is the big shot federal agency behind the development of San Jose and the Cabo marina.

Here’s the kicker: there was talk of handing over this smelly problem to the city government, but, surprise, surprise, the city’s not exactly jumping at the opportunity to deal with it. With Fonatur on the chopping block by President AMLO’s orders, the future of the plant is as murky as the overflow it’s known for. It’s high time to dial up some federal intervention – we need a hero to tackle this mess!

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