Tourists Pay for New Potabilization Plant

Great news for residents of Cabo San Lucas, especially those living in the downtown barrios! Mayor Oscar Leggs recently inaugurated a new potabilization plant, marking a significant step forward in addressing the water needs of the area. With a substantial investment of US $1.2 million, this project is a big deal for the local community.

The mayor ceremoniously pushed the “On” button, bringing the plant to life. It’s now actively pumping about 15 liters (roughly 4 gallons) of drinking water per second. That might not sound like a lot, but it’s a game-changer for the neighborhoods downtown that have long been facing water scarcity issues.

This new facility is more than just a piece of infrastructure – it’s a symbol of progress and commitment to improving the quality of life for the residents of Cabo San Lucas. With this new source of potable water, the daily struggle of accessing clean water is set to ease significantly.

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