I lived in La Ribera for over 30 years and have gone through the ups and downs of living here. But this problem has to be solved. The geniuses in Los Cabo’s sanitation department (sewer) decided to force anyone with a home to sign up to use the sewer treatment plant. What these clowns did was to agree to put the treatment plant at the entrance of the town. For all the homes and businesses along the beach road, gray and black water goes into a sump and is pumped out to the top of the town.
Well, if you’ve lived in Baja, two things you can count on electric power not working and city officials being incompetent. Well, power here goes out all the time so sewer backs up on the streets. Six inches deep and hundreds of yards of raw sewage on dirt streets. They dump dirt on top of it and let it dry. When you get 20 trucks an hour going up and down, in two hours’ time it dries, and the dust starts. WE ARE BREATHING IT. Along with the homes are schools. We are all breathing this in.
Wait it gets better. The pumps they put in to pump sewage uphill stop working. This goes on for weeks. So, they send a truck to pump out the sump so they can fix the pump. But they can’t do it fast enough so they dump it out onto the street. This has been happening since they put the treatment plant in (10 years). The funny part about this is Costa Palma property runs right along this street. They are asking 6 million dollars (US) for lots. This all can be fixed by building a treatment system where shit flows downhill right to the beach.
Tony WA